They'll be great in the right color and once we take the straps up. They made them SUPER long for some reason.
They'll be great in the right color and once we take the straps up. They made them SUPER long for some reason.
That's right. I won something at a race. No, it wasn't a door prize either. I got 3rd place in my age group! Ha! Needless to say, it wasn't a big race but who cares! I saw other people in my group finish after me and yes, there were more than three in the group. It may be the only time in my running career that I get a prize so I may as well live it up. :)
The race was the Live Healthy 5k put on by Dickinson Beautiful. I won a pair or running socks valued at $15. WHOOP! They are fancier than my other socks that's for sure. They are labeled 'R' and 'L' since they're made differently for each foot. Goodness knows I wouldn't pay $15 for a pair of socks either. I might have to now if they are super comfy!