Today was packet pick-up and Expo day for the Marathon and Half-Marathon. I was just as excited about trying to snag free goodies as I was about getting my race bib. I was also very excited about Meb Keflezighi was going to be there signed autographs and taking pictures. (If you don't know who he is: NYC Marathon winner 2009, Houston Half-Marathon winner 2009, Olympic Marathon silver medalist in 2004, and the list goes on) I remember him flying past me last year as I ran the 5k. Now I got to meet him. I love that kind of thing! Runners and other athletes seem much more normal than "celebreties". I got him to sign something for my classroom too by asking nicely! (Score! Being a teacher does have it's perks every once and a while!) Anyway, goodies included lots of samples of foods and drinks, numerous calendars, Clif shots and bars, Lara bars, Cascadian Farms granola bars, washcloths, gloves, iPod/cell phone holder things, and the list goes on. Here are some pics of the day and some daily motivation. I'll post after the race tomorrow sometime between my nap and eating chocolate cake! Thanks for the cake mom! :)
It's official! SO EXCITED!
Look ma! I'm running in space!
He was so nice! I thought he would be taller though. It would've helped me justify how much faster he is if his legs were up to my neck or something!
My free autographed hat! They were selling them for $15 a the merch. table- suckers!
Wish me luck!
17. PLAY IN THE STREET. Skip a dreaded track workout for a fartlek (Swedish for "speed play") session. After 10 minutes of easy jogging, run hard between two telephone poles, then slow down until you pass three. Then see if you can get to the traffic light before it changes, followed by a jog to the next mailbox. There are no set rules, so make it up as you go along.
18. THE PILE OF DISHES in the sink can wait till the sun goes down. Your tempo run can't.
19. RUN AT LUNCH. Daniel Sheil, a marathon coach in Portland, Oregon, recommends lunchtime runs for two reasons: (1) You get your workout in before the day gets away from you; (2) You get a midday break from work stress.
20. RUNNING COMMENTARY "The more I run, the more I want to run, and the more I live a life conditioned and influenced and fashioned by my running. And the more I run, the more certain I am that I am heading for my real goal: to become the person I am." --George Sheehan, M.D., beloved former RW columnist
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