Saturday, May 22, 2010

Field Trip, Buddy Day, Silent Auction

If you teach, you know how much is going on at the end of the year. I wanted to share a few pictures and info about what's been going on lately.
Field Trip to HMNS

How knew IMAX and fossils were so gosh darn exciting?

Buddy Fun Day
Me and my buddy, Krissy.

I served my time in the dunking booth my first year. It was Holly's turn. :)

Second Grade Team

Silent Auction

We held a Family Day at school a few weeks ago and teachers were encouraged to offer up their time in a silent auction to raise money for a teacher that was diagnosed with cancer this year. I raised $145 to take two of my students to a movie and lunch. WHOOP! Krissy also had two students. We went and saw Shrek: The Final Chapter before heading over to Fudruckers. They truly enjoyed themselves and you know they are excited to go when you pull up to their house and they are waiting on top of the car looking out for you! I had a blast and would love to do it again!

Monday, May 17, 2010

It worked!


I'm a day behind but whatever. My new pants i got two weeks ago were too big! I'm trying to decide whether or not to exchange them for a smaller size. Seems risky this early on. I'll blog this week's plan later!

Again, ignore the tan. I'm starting to see some abs poke through!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Books Through the Decades

We had a theme week for our Book Fair. I do love a good theme! We did 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's. I had to miss 80's day because of the second grade field trip. Lame. I would have picked a different day if I knew it was going to be 80's day! I'll post on our field trip another day. It was succussful, no lost kids. :) Anyway, here were my outfits for the other theme days...

50's: My aunt's cheerleading skirt and my mom's letter jacket.

60's: Tie dye (thanks Target!) with double braids in the hair parted down the middle.

70's: Funky printed top. (Thanks clearance rack at Target! I got told all day how cute it was, which cracked me up.)

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Nathan comes home on Thursday! WHOOP!

1 step down, 1 to go...

No change again in weight (dang it!). I worked out M-Sa this week and feel like a have a workout schedule back under control. Eating is another story. Some days were really good and I stuck to my plan, most days were bad/out of control though. But, I have a plan for this week! After the mother's day festivities today, I have a meal plan for each day through Saturday. It's following Jillian Michael's Master Your Metabolism book. Basically you are eating/not eating certain foods at certain times of the day to balance your hormone levels/cravings/sugar highs and lows/etc. It worked and was filling for me before, so it's time to eat well again. NO processed foods and mainly organic. Here's the workout and eating plans for this week:
M- Blast Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD
T- Running
W- No More Trouble Zones DVD
Th- Running
F- 30 Day Shred DVD
Sa- Running
S- Rest
M- Egg whites & grapefruit; Southwest chicken salad; apple w/ walnuts; tilapia w/ roasted veg.
T- Berry Smoothie; salad w/ chicken; carrots w/ hummus; salmon w/ veg.
W-Breakfast Burrito; sirloin w/ brown rice; apple w/ greek yogurt; pork chop w/ green beans
Th-Berry Sm.; Southwest chicken salad; carrots w/ hummus; turkey tenderloin w/ asparagus
F- cottage cheese w/ grapefruit; tuna sand w/ carrots; apple w/ walnuts; tilapia w/ roasted veg.
Sa- Breakfast Bur.; Hot tuna sand.; greek yogurt w/ blueberries; chicken w/ salad
I've done it before so I know I can do it again! Wish me luck!
I'm hoping to see some changes for next week!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


No change in my weight this week. It must have been all the baklava (combined with going to the movies on Friday and downing Raisinets, Twizzlers, and Sour Patch Kids after we'd gone out to eat and I had an Oreo milkshake). So good. :) The girls and I decided May 1 was a good time to start over again so I was a good girl yesterday and so far today. I also picked up 'No More Trouble Zones' and 'Banish Fat Boost Metabolism' by Jillian Michaels at Target on sale. I already have her '30 Day Shred' video. I did the Touble Zones yesterday and I actually called her evil to the TV like she could hear me or something. Krissy and I are going to do the Metabolism one after school on Monday. Hopefully I'll be looking and feeling fantastic by the time school gets out!