So I signed up for an interval training class through USAFit Galveston a while back. It's a 12 week class that meets every Monday and Wednesday to run hills (aka the parking garage) and intervals designed to increase your overall speed. We're on week 9 and I'm seeing results! I want to sign up for the summer program as well. Anyway, tonight was Crazy Sock night. It's got rescheduled from last Monday when there was too much lightening to run. I have quite the collection of 'crazy' socks from all of the sock days we have at school. I decided to wear my argyle Halloween ones since they are the tallest and I LOVE argyle. I looked like this...
and paired my lovely socks with my running skirt and new bright orange top from Old Navy. (Side note: these tops are awesome for "fat"days. Just sayin'.)
Long story short, I WAS THE ONLY ONE IN CRAZY SOCKS! Figures everyone would forget but me. I looked like an idiot compared to everyone else. Good thing I don't really care and had a great hill run anyway. :) The socks were comfy and didn't rub any blisters thank goodness!
All of the "crazy" days at school have prepared me to go out in public looking odd. Like going to Target and HEB after Crazy Hair Day - frizzed out all over and about three different colors!
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